This webpage is about my personal interest, these are sometimes widely varied.   I will try to keep the content to mainly to computers (both old and new) and cars (my personal cars).

I currently work as a network engineer, and have a collection of classic Apple II computers and a network of modern computers in my home  I will also spend a little time on the network that connects my modern computers together.  

Welcome to my Personal Site

Here I will talk about some of things that interest me and show some photos of those things. Those things will include:

  • Computers both old and new
  • Cars - primarily my MINI cooper (1st Gen) and my wife's Mustang S197
  • Computer networking

Apple IIe Platinum with LCD Monitor

Feel free to look around, I hope you find something of interest.

You are welcome to use any of the photos or information on this page.  I am not one of those people that cares if you use one of my photos.   I hope to add content regularly as new things I am working get documented.